Neil - great news!  Thanks for everything you are doing.  I'll be spinning
up an instance of LibreNMS and probably shutting down our instance of
Observium very soon.



On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Neil Lathwood <>

> Hi Folks,
> As per the other thread discussing LibreNMS and us trying to add support
> added for more wireless based devices, a fair few have been in touch to
> offer help and support in making this happen - thanks to everyone who has
> been in contact.
> Just before I came across the other thread I'd been in touch with someone
> on the ubnt forums who had built support for these devices and they've
> (Mark Gibbons) very kindly provided us the code which this evening has just
> been merged into our main code base. I don't actually have these devices to
> be able to test this, if anyone does and they can provide snmp access for
> me to give things a whirl that would be amazing - just drop me an email
> offlist.
> We are still working to get support for other vendors and if it's still ok
> with everyone, I'll post updates as and when we have them - if not, just
> tell me to go away :)
> Thanks,
> Neil

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