On 5/27/2015 10:45 PM, Faisal Imtiaz wrote:
There are only a hand full of actual MFG who make the optics, everything else 
is branding .....:)

While there are many things that can go wrong with SFP's, but I can assure you 
"Packet Loss / CRC / FCS" are not due to SFP module compatibility with the 
Router/switch they are plugged into....(they will either work or not work)

Connecting two SFP's of any brand, together (as long as the Light Freq.,light 
levels, Speed of SFP, matches correctly) is equivalent of using a Copper cable 
to connect two Ethernet ports together...... The Ethernet controller on the 
Router/Switch can have some issues due to negotiations, buffers etc, and the 
cable can be dirty or have a loose connection....
Yeah, I know. OEM'ing and branding happens all the time. So take that same OEM module and move it to a Cisco router or switch, HP switch, whatever.. shit, even another MikroTik board and it'll work fine.

This is the problem I have with MikroTik. They have too much hardware to support. They often have driver issues that they neglect to fix because they're busy fixing some new super-duper platform they've just rolled out.
>>>>I really don't trust any MikroTik product to be very reliable, but they're 
cheap so we can have lots of spares.:)
I have often heard this comment, but never quiet understood it.... are they not 
reliable because they are cheap to buy ? or are they not reliable because there 
is some technical short cuts taken in production ?  or they are not reliable 
because we don't respect them (we pay a perceived 'little' for them) ?

e.g. Do you think that a SFP Module with an IBM sticker that cost's $1000 is 
more reliable than a  $30 SFP module with a Mikrotik  Sticker on it ? I have 
news for you, there is a good chance that both units might have been mfg. in 
the same factory in China !

This perception of ...if it is not expensive then it is not reliable is the most 
serious kind of brain washing done in the world.. (Take a look at Marketing Budgets 
vs R&D Budgets, what do you think the Marketing message is all about !)
I wasn't specifically speaking about SFP modules, but MikroTik hardware (and software) in general. If I buy a $1-2k Cisco switch (which I wouldn't ever, because screw Cisco) over a $300-400 MikroTik, you bet your ass it's going to be more reliable. They are not the same product class.

I'll stick to my original statement. The benefit of running a MikroTik router or switch is they're generally fine for our purposes and cheap to replace when they fail.

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