When I lived in Canopy land, I liked the Sync Injectors for the small form factor and low power. Great for little bitty installs.

We never lost a port on a CMM4, ever. We did blow up a few sync injectors during thunderstorms. So if you don't want to worry about it, get the CMM4.....maybe your vendor will put the popcorn inside for you.

On 10/20/2015 2:26 AM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
We have been deploying the packetflux stuff as primary sync solution. Other than the little bugginess with it, I'm very satisfied.

We have a CTM that I think we paid 1700 bucks for, the night we deployed it, we took a lightning strike and lost a port, so we have an AP independently powered and synced from a parasitic. To clean it up, we have to buy a whole new CTM, whereas with packetflux we would probably have only needed to buy a syncinjector.

We have a couple CMM Micros that have been tooling along for years without issues, but I think we originally paid like 2 grand for those too.

We have one deployed CMM4 and one on the shelf, handy because theyre outdoor and have the switch built in, but that massive power supply makes me want to take a dump on my cat, and I think their pricetag at the time was like 2400 bucks, same issue with CTM, lose a port replace the whole thing. Want to move up to a gigabit radio, buy a whole new unit.

Little things like losing the module order, weird ways of firmware upgrades and 10mb management, and no good way to monitor certain things in Powercode don't really justify the cost of the other two solutions. The popcorn is a selling point to, cambium doesn't give you shit. The outstanding responsiveness to support requests and openness of the manufacturer with packetflux is a selling point for me too.

Am I missing anything that should be coming into the decision making process here? The boss would be willing to shell out the cash for the CTM/CMMs but that eats a boatload of budget. And it does require a certain attention to detail to manage the packetflux gear, so if I were to exit, would it be as simple as a fully managed solution for my replacement.

Anybody here turn away from the packetflux solution for either of the other two?

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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