Good point. Is this being done in the DSP or is it new hardware? I imagine this is done in software instead of spinning new hardware, but what do I know.

On 12/5/2015 11:16 AM, Colin Stanners wrote:
Hi Matt, is this a new change? As one of our early PMP450 2.4ghz deployments had very low linktest performance even with perfect signals, which I traced to the non-Cambium AP antennas we had installed being mislabeled V+H models instead of dual-slant, with the resulting cross-polarity signal mashup resulting in the radios falling to MIMO-A mode.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Matt Mangriotis < <>> wrote:

    Just want to point out that this same logic and coding exists in
    the PMP 450 platform as well.

    You’ll see very soon when we release the *high gain integrated*
    *PMP 450 SM at 3 GHz*, it’s H+V, not dual slant, but works equally
    as well and gives you 19 dBi gain.


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