On 8/7/16 19:35, Travis Johnson wrote:
EXACTLY.  Everyone freaks out when Google fiber comes to their town... I
want to know what people are doing with a 1Gbps fiber connection that is
going to save the world. Or create new jobs. Or make life easier for people.

It's all marketing BS that the general public buys into, every - single
- time. I would bet that 99% of the population doesn't need more than a
5Mbps or 10Mbps connection, at most.

Everyone want's gig this and gig that. Once HE is in our facility people can have their $390 GigE and do whatever it is they need a gig for. For the majority they end up with idle looking graphs.

I forget which mailing list it was on but someone was bitching about GigE since it's so slow and useless with today's hardware that can easily saturate GigE why would anyone bother selling it?


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