xabber seems to work well with openfire

I did like some features of openfire like it could fetch emails and send
them to groups for outage alerting and the integration of sip allowed us to
use the spark client as a softphone. I just dont like that the same account
cant be logged in from multiple clients at the same time

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Bill Prince <part15...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I used trillian for a long time to communicate with friends. Hated the way
> multiple platform part of it worked, but it worked.
> For private IM we now mostly use WhatsApp, as it has some cost advantages
> for the people in our circle that travel internationally.
> For work IM, we now are using Slack. It's goofy in a couple of ways, and
> when you're in a poor cell zone (we have a lot of those around here), it
> doesn't work at all/
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 8/24/2016 1:14 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:
> We run an openfire server and have always used the spak im client for
> interoffice communication between TS, CS and and administration
> the problem is we never knew who was where and it required a different
> username on each device, workstation, mobile, laptop, etc without
> configuring a boot on the openfire server, just a pita to remember to login
> logout everytime you changed locations if you wanted uniformity, and
> histories only logged on the server, so if i popped on my laptop on the
> same account as my workstation it wouldnt have the workstation history.
> trillian solves this as you connect to the trillian server and it connects
> to your inhouse im server (or yahoo aol or facebook, etc) from multiple
> devices at the same time
> They have a free client with their server with ads or whatever, a paid
> client with some features, and an in house server with perpetual licensing
> and optional renewal
> It seems to meet the need, however, im my previous interweb miscreient
> days it was trillian and ICQ i used to deliver sub7 packages to my
> unsuspecting victims, ie, it was a toy software. It seems to have grown,
> but is it still a toy software?
> --
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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