I'm starting to see a drip, drip, drip of UBNT M series radios in the field
that don't respond on the web interface but you can SSH in with the correct
(non default) user/pass, and get various levels of functionality from there.
Usually the wireless isn't working, but I have one today that is fully
functional as far as wireless and passing data.  Once you SSH in, a few
commands work, but many just hang.  Like you can ls but not cd, cat, or vi.
It doesn't seem to be infected, more like corrupted firmware in NVRAM or
something, I wonder if the NVRAM is starting to fail in these radios.  I
don't think there's enough working to reflash the firmware.


I've just been replacing radios when this happens, but there seems to be a
trend, and I'm wondering if this is a known thing.


FYI, the UBNT malware tool connects via SSH and then goes off into checking
and never reports anything, just hangs like the CLI commands.

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