Is this a case of you can have fast, cheap and reliable but you can only pick 2?

Brett A Mansfield wrote:
I have no specific preference. But I need it soon, I need 2Gb aggregate, and I need it cheap (which is relative). I know I may have to give one of those up, but I'm trying not to have to.

Thank you,
Brett A Mansfield

On Jun 9, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Colin Stanners < <>> wrote:

11 / 15 / 18ghz depending on your uptime, rain zone, dish size requirements or limitations. Two single polarity radios or one XPIC... Any preferred licensed manifacturer?

On Jun 9, 2017 6:27 PM, "Brett A Mansfield" < <>> wrote:

    What would be the best (and cheapest) way of transmitting a gig
    (2Gb aggregate) 12 miles?

    Thank you,
    Brett A Mansfield

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