If an outsider can vote...

+1 for 20A shunt
+1 for NTP/GPS server, although I'd just like to see it as a SiteMonitor module/add-on.

On 9/14/17 7:33 PM, George Skorup wrote:
The 12-port GigE PowerInjector+Sync would be the most beneficial to me right now to retrofit some smaller enclosures.

20A shunt?

If you have better things to work on, the USB GPS thing is more of a want than a need. But I know you said it'd be a small fun project for you. Like I said, make it and I'll probably buy 4 or 5 of them for my NTP servers.

I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting, but my brain can't think anymore today.

On 9/14/2017 7:33 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
We've been shipping rackinjectors for a couple of weeks now, and according to staff, all of the rackinjector backlog has been shipped and we have 1-2 on the shelf.... and even more to be added to the stock level shortly.  Yay!

Just wanted to update everyone on the status here for what is next.

The only product I'm actively working on getting out the door is the "Medusa Board" for the rackinjector which basically will do sync over power for the 450m and 450i.    I could go into details on where we are in that process, but that's a topic for another day.

I also have some feature additions that need to be made to the RackInjector.   The initial update will be timed to correspond to the release of the Medusa board, unless someone finds a critical bug in the field and we have to roll a bugfix release.

I'm planning on spending some time (as much as is reasonably needed) regrouping.  I have quite a few things on my list that we've been putting off doing just because of hours in the day.   There's a few products which just need a few hours or TLC before we can start shipping.   There are some manuals/documentation which need to be done.   There's a few minor bug fixes in some of the software (more shortcomings then bugs)...  And we need to figure out what is next product wise among the numerous product Ideas which are floating around.

So, now would be a great time to remind me about anything which fits into the categories above that I might not remember....  either via email or at wispapalooza in just under a month.

Forrest Christian CEO, PacketFlux Technologies, Inc.
Tel: 406-449-3345 Address: 3577 Countryside Road, Helena, MT 59602
forre...@imach.com http://www.packetflux.com

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