Last time I flew that route west-to-east, I did the follow I-80 routine. No problems. On the way back I was much further north.


On 9/18/2017 3:25 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:
Depends on the direction of the approach.  If from the West, approach control will bring you in following I-80 until you can hit the VFR corridor, turn South and cut you loose once you are there.  From the North they may send you right over the state capitol or right over SLC international. Probably more over the state capitol and I-15, down the valley then a hard right (West)  turn to the U42 TPA.

If from the South you can go direct U42.

Of course if IFR no worries, similar route but a bit more comfort in knowing you have separation.

If coming from the West, you have to stay between the two huge restricted areas.  Just stay over I-80 and you will be fine.

-----Original Message----- From: Bruce Robertson
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 4:00 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT: SLC area airport question

Hey, pilotish type folks!  Next week I'm flying a charter to U42, in the
Salt Lake City area.  Aside from the obvious Class B concerns and the
fact that the airport is clearly the answer to life, the universe and
everything, is there anything else I should know?

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