I show them images of bad towers, leg blowouts, busted rungs, rusted
through legs, loose house brackets. have them kick the tower and watch the
top, if it moves, dont climb it.

Its not worth it for 30 bucks a month

Ive come across more theyve climbed when they shouldnt have

One thing I ask is for a description of why its "unsafe" this keeps things
more honest.

I would personally go out and check the install deemed safe, just to make
sure they actually are. I went out to replace a radio on one and the tower
started falling over, the tech was young dumb full of ... and that could
have gotten somebody killed, I left the old radio on the tower and
installed a new one to the roof

make sure you differentiate rust and rusted through

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Ben Royer <operati...@royell.net> wrote:

> Who has their employees climb residential towers?  Like the Rohn 25
> variety that Ma’ and Pa’ use to get the games on.  That type.  And do you
> formally train them?  We do on both accounts, but interested to poll the
> community on this one.  I have one employee right now that said he’s not
> afraid of heights but has an alarming number of Unsuccessful jobs because
> of ‘unsafe tower’s’.  We have since had a talk with him as a couple of
> those jobs have been successfully done by another employee. Anyway, what
> say you....
> Thank you,
> Ben Royer, Operations Manager
> Royell Communications, Inc.
> 217-965-3699 <(217)%20965-3699> www.royell.net

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