Today is Casoron day at my house.

Gotta put it down this time of the year to get washed into the soil.
If you wait until weed seed germination you have just wasted it.  

In Utah nothing grows but weeds.  So if you get this stuff down early enough 
and heavy enough the weeds will not grow.
Then starting in March we begin the Roundup and that goes on until August.  

It is a full time job and requires lots of water to have any kind of decent 
landscaping.  And my house sits of 5 acres so that is almost impossible.
Plus the thick weeds are a really bad grass fire threat.  Later in the year, 
while the weeds are still green enough to not burn, I will get after them with 
my road grader or backhoe and make some fire breaks.  

Now, If I could find some Cesium 137 or Cobolt 60, I could make a bar of it and 
drag it slowly behind a tractor...  

Once or twice a year and weeds be gone!

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