The way they are packaged and sold, my guess is that you will need to buy a 3.65 dish, and swap the feedhorns.


On 1/18/2018 7:29 AM, Travis Johnson wrote:
Where can I buy just the feedhorns?


On 1/17/2018 5:45 PM, Mathew Howard wrote:
Yeah, you can just change the feed horn - I've done it several times. I'm assuming using the 2.4ghz horn wouldn't work too well.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Steve Jones < <>> wrote:

    iirc its the same dish, different horn

    On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:11 PM, Travis Johnson <
    <>> wrote:


        I currently have a point to point link using Rocket 2ghz
        radios with 2ft UBNT dishes on each side. I am wondering if I
        could just upgrade the Rocket radios to 3.65 and leave the
        2ghz dishes? How much signal loss will I see using the wrong



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