I wonder if they would allow a co-op type of company to get to the 100K...

-----Original Message----- From: Layne Sisk
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2018 10:52 AM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Streaming service included

Spoke on a panel 2 days ago with Netflix and asked them about it. They require 100k subscribers to enter what they consider a �re-bill� program where you could do this.

Sent from my iPhone, so please excuse any misspelled words or embarrassing auto-corrects!

On Feb 6, 2018, at 4:15 PM, Brian Sullivan <installe...@foxvalley.net> wrote:

T-Mobile gives away Netflix. Sprint gives away Hulu. Others will likely follow. Has anyone here looked into including a streaming service for their customers?

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