I don't know what you are trying to do with the Raspberry Pi but maybe it
isn't the right tool. I love it, it just isn't for everything. The Arduino
or ESP32 is better for analog anything and usually sensors. I would also
tell you that you may want to look at using Python with the Pi. Tons of
libraries and example code to source from. Lots of good IDE for Python. I
like Atom but there are lots.

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:13 AM Robert <i...@avantwireless.com> wrote:

> I am guessing here, but it sounds like you need the make program and
> gcc?  i.e. "sudo apt-get make" and "sudo apt-get gcc" ???
> Make files can just be in the same directory as the source file, pretty
> much everything you work on can be in the same directory.
> On 2/9/18 6:51 AM, ch...@wbmfg.com wrote:
> > I hate make files.  I love IDEs.
> > Bought a raspberry PI and am playing with it a bit.  So far I really
> > like it.
> > Started to write a program using a Geaney editor.  Nice editor. Hit the
> > make button and I discovered it is really just a shell, that you have to
> > have a gcc make somewhere.
> > So, not being a linux hack, what folder should may source and other
> > project files be in?
> > Should the make file be there with it?
> > Can someone please be kind enough to send me two things:
> > 1.  hello.c source
> > void main {
> >      printf(“hello world”);
> > }
> > (I probably don’t need that as It is right there in this email.  But I
> > do need to put it in the proper folder name and associate it with GCC
> > presumably with the make file.
> > 2)    A make file that will allow that program to compile.
> > Did I say I hate make files?
> > I have downloaded example make files.  It appears I need to change some
> > file names in them to match the file name of my source.  But I would
> > like to make my Geany program be able to cause the make file to be
> > correct if I change the name of the project.  Perhaps that is not
> > possible.  One of my sons is trying to encourage me to put windows on it
> > and use visual C++. I don’t want to do that because this is a simple bit
> > banging project.
> > I don’t care where the object files go or what they are named.
> > If I want to include a .h file it will be in my source.
> > My handicap comes from TurboC coming on the scene when I first started
> > doing a bunch of c code writing.  Before that it was asm
> > (before that it was fortran, pascal, basic)

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