What a wonderful offering ...

Looks like you might need to plan a longer visit Asaf, or perhaps regional ones 

> On 27 Feb 2018, at 11:36 PM, Georges Fodouop <georges_fodo...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello Asaf,
> Our community will be happy to receive you at Yaounde, Douala or Buea. 
> Let us know about next step.
> Regards,
> ____________________________________
> Georges Fodouop
> Informaticien
> Co-founder : 
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedians_of_Cameroon_User_Group
> User : Geugeor
> Wikipédien en résidence : www.wikiloveswomen.org
> Formateur wikimedia
> Douala - Cameroun
> +237 677 71 20 68 / +237 695 33 18 84
> --------------------------------------------
> En date de : Mar 27.2.18, Asaf Bartov <abar...@wikimedia.org> a écrit :
> Objet: [African Wikimedians] Sub-Saharan Africa visit?
> À: "Mailing list for African Wikimedians" 
> <african-wikimedians@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Date: Mardi 27 février 2018, 20h15
> Some of you know
> me, but for those of you who don't, let me introduce
> myself briefly: I am a program officer at the Wikimedia
> Foundation, and work in the Community Resources (formerly
> called Grantmaking) team.  While I handled grants in the
> past, I am now working on capacity-building activities with
> emerging communities, in a program called Community Capacity
> Development[1] (CCD, [[m:CCD]]), one aspect of which -- the
> Community Capacity Map[2] (CCM, [[m:CCM]]) -- you may have
> run across on the Wikimedia-l in the past few
> weeks.
> I write today to ask whether your community would
> be interested in discussing a possible visit to Sub-Saharan
> Africa by me, with several related goals in each country
> I'd visit, including:* a strategy/planning
> workshop with the group of active contributors. This would
> build on any existing plans or strategy you have, and also
> integrate thinking about the broad goals identified in the
> movement strategy project's phase 1 (presented at
> Wikimania in Montreal in August 2017.)* Meetings
> with important existing/prospective partners (if deemed
> helpful)* Public speaking (if deemed
> helpful)* capacity-building workshops for your
> community members, on topics such as (I'll need your
> help in determining which of these would be
> useful):** Free licenses, non-free licenses,
> copyright, and OTRS (or: How to contribute to the Wikimedia
> Commons)** Composing encyclopedic prose from a
> neutral point of view (NPOV)** Negotiating
> notability and reliability requirements on
> Wikipedia** Conflict management for
> Wikipedians** Group facilitation
> skills** Introduction to Wikidata**
> Querying Wikidata with SPARQL** Modern tools
> demonstration** How to build a
> partnership** etc.
> Some logistical details:
> *If I come, it would be after the Wikimedia
> Conference and before Wikimania, i.e. between late April and
> early July.* If I come, I would probably stay in
> Africa for between two and three weeks total, to have enough
> time for the above in several countries, and to accommodate
> your needs and availability.* I will have a
> budget for some domestic travel, to bring key volunteers
> together* No expenses are expected from your
> group's budget. Only your time and
> cooperation.
> Please take some time to discuss this idea and
> let me know if your community is sufficiently interested
> that we should discuss it further, over email or a video
> call.  If you feel this would not be very helpful, or you
> really can't accommodate any additional activities
> before July this year, *please* don't feel obligated to
> respond. I am genuinely interested in helping, and there are
> other communities I could be supporting with this budget and
> time, so I won't be offended or upset, promise!
> :)
> I look forward to hearing from you.
>     Asaf
> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CCD [2] 
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CCM 
> _______________________________________________
> African-Wikimedians mailing list
> African-Wikimedians@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/african-wikimedians
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> _______________________________________________
> African-Wikimedians mailing list
> African-Wikimedians@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/african-wikimedians

Isla Haddow-Flood
Co-project Director
Username: Islahaddow

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