This week; Cyberpolitics with European Union-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 
(NATO) cooperation to boost cyber defence capabilities was welcomed by Foreign 
Affairs and Defence MEPs in a debate with NATO Secretary General Jens 
Stoltenberg on Wednesday. Moreover, U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) will 
stop its surveillance program which collects Americans' emails and texts sent 
to and from people overseas that mention a foreigner under surveillance, 
according to a New York Times report. In addition, Islamic State militants are 
developing their own social media platform to avoid security crackdowns on 
their communications and propaganda, according to the head of the EU’s police 
agency. Furthemore, youth radicalization on the Internet is an issue being 
discussed at a United Nations conference opening on Friday in Baku, Azerbaijan.
On Net neutrality, The coalition led by Engine, Y Combinator, and Techstars, 
along with over 800 tech startups sent a letter to Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai urging him to focus "on policies that would 
promote a stronger Internet for everyone,"
On World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations and rights groups are calling 
for free and independent reporting to be respected. By the way, The Committee 
to Protect Journalists strongly condemns China's move on Tuesday to impose more 
stringent controls on the media and free expression. Moreover, Turkey has 
blocked all access inside the country to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia.
On data protection, Gartner (survey) predicts that by the end of 2018, more 
than 50 per cent of companies affected by the GDPR will not be in full 
compliance with its requirements. But, Microsoft, Amazon Web services and 
Google has promised they will be ready for the European Union's data protection 
regime when it enters forces next year
On e-commerce, a global studyby Cigi-Ipsos has shown that internet users are 
increasingly concerned about their online privacy.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well documents on 
cybersecurity, ICANN, ...

See review in full here:
Internet Gov Weekly Brief : EU-NATO Cyberdefence cooperation; China & free 
expression; NSA stops surveillance program; World Press Freedom Day, Internet 
Giants ready for GDPR; Turkey blocks 
SUMMARY This week; Cyberpolitics with European Union-North Atlantic Treaty 
Organisation (NATO) cooperation to boost cyber defence capabilities was 
welcomed by…

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