
Thanks for sharing. It seems that the news is overwhelmingly skewed towards the 
threat on The Net as we have grown up to know it. Balkanization seems a given 
now as Nationalism sweeps across the globe. I’m also gratified to see states in 
the US resist the assault of the Trump Administration on Net Neutrality.  

Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
+254 0713 601113 

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a 
habit."  ~ Aristotle

Sent from my iPad

> On 2 Feb 2018, at 8:54 PM, Mamadou LO <> wrote:
> This week, Cuba handed a note of protest to the top US diplomat in Havana on 
> Wednesday (Jan 31) over the Trump administration's creation of a Cuba 
> Internet Task Force that it said was an attempt to violate its sovereignty.
> The United States federal government is said to be looking to build a 
> centralized 5G wireless network across the country within three years. This 
> proposal from the Trump administration to build public-funded 5G networks 
> will “end in disaster”, the EU’s top telecoms regulator has warned, urging 
> Europe to speed up plans for its own fast internet networks.
> In Russia, more than half of citizens approve of a separate internet for the 
> BRICS economic bloc, saying that the idea could boost the security of users’ 
> personal data and help counter hostile propaganda. 
> On data protection, the head of a US government agency has warned against 
> changes to the Whois internet lookup service in order to comply with the 
> forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Besides, Head of 
> European Union’s independent data protection authority says UK is likely to 
> remain a strategic partner in data protection after Brexit
> In china, online population, the largest in the world, has touched 772 
> million at the end of last year as 40.74 million new connections were added. 
> The new connections went up by 5.6 per cent compared to 2016, a report 
> released by China's China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) said. 
> Also, China will begin blocking overseas providers of virtual private 
> networks (VPN) used to circumvent its Great Firewall of government censorship 
> at the end of March, official media reported.
> On Wednesday, Google's parent company introduced Chronicle and described it 
> in as a "new independent business within Alphabet that's dedicated to helping 
> companies find and stop cyber attacks before they cause harm." Also, Alphabet 
> is reportedly in talks with Saudi Arabia's state-owned oil company Aramco 
> about building a "tech hub" in the Middle East.
> On net neutrality, California has just joined New York and Montana in 
> resisting the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) repeal of net 
> neutrality. Lawmakers introduced two bills to the California State Senate 
> that would force service providers to continue treating all data on the 
> internet the same way, without discriminating content.
> On event, we note the 5th meeting of the UN Commission on Science and 
> Technology for Development Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation in Geneva
> Below, information on those subjects and events as welle as documents on 
> cybersecurity, Internet of things, Internet shutdown
> Find review and sources here
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