Dear All,
One Issue that would affect our region is the issue of (reduction in)
budget and especially in regards to consultations on the significance of
the ICANN fellowships.
A lot of people are of the opinion that the fellowship needs restructuring
or its of no good. if possible we need to discuss this and have a statement.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:54 AM, <> wrote:

> Send AfrICANN mailing list submissions to
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AfrICANN digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: [AFRALO-Internal] AfRALO-AfrICANN Meeting     and Statement
>       for ICANN61 "Panama" (Tijani BEN JEMAA)
>    2. Actu ICANN : NextGen pour ICANN62; ICANN61 en chiffres;
>       Indicateurs de responsabilit?; Confidentialit? / protection des
>       donn?es... (Mamadou LO)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 07:43:15 +0100
> From: Tijani BEN JEMAA <>
> To: Beran Dondeh <>
> Cc: Mohamed El Bashir <>, AfRALO internal list
>         <>, AfrICANN Community List
>         <>
> Subject: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] [AFRALO-Internal] AfRALO-AfrICANN
>         Meeting and Statement for ICANN61 "Panama"
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Good morning,
> I support Beran?s proposal of GDPR for our upcoming AFRALO-AfrICANN joint
> meeting in Panama.
> We already addressed this very topic in Abu Dhabi, but because of its
> importance, and the new elements (response of ARTICLE 29 WP to ICANN
> request for advice, the accreditation model and the comments of IPC &BC,
> etc., I do think that we need to discuss it again and give our opinion
> regarding the final interim model model a few weeks after the GDPR enters
> into effect (25 May).
> So, yes, compliance of the Whois registrant data with GDPR would be a good
> topic for our joint meeting.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> Tijani BEN JEMAA
> Executive Director
> Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations (FMAI)
> Phone: +216 98 330 114
>             +216 52 385 114
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> > Le 18 avr. 2018 ? 10:40, Beran Dondeh via Afralo-Internal <
>> a ?crit :
> >
> > Dear Mohamed
> >
> > I would like to suggest GDPR in the African context. How are we impacted
> ?
> >
> > Beran
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >> On 17 Apr 2018, at 17:07, Mohamed El Bashir <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Le texte fran?ais ci-dessous
> >>
> >>
> >> Dear Colleagues,
> >>
> >> It's the time to start preparing for our regular AfRALO-AfrICANN
> community meeting for ICANN 62 ( Panama City ).
> >> Therefore, I would like to invite you to suggest a topic or theme which
> will be discussed in the meeting.
> >>
> >> Please send us your suggestions before 1st of May 2018, after selecting
> the meeting topic/theme we will ask for volunteers to join the meeting
> statement drafting team.
> >>
> >> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Kind Regards,
> >> Mohamed Elbashir
> >> Chair
> >> AfRALO
> >>
> >> ?
> >>
> >> Chers coll?gues,
> >>
> >> C'est le moment de commencer ? pr?parer notre r?union r?guli?re
> AfRALO-AfrICANN pour ICANN 62 (Panama City).
> >> Par cons?quent, je voudrais vous inviter ? proposer un sujet ou un
> th?me qui sera discut? lors de la r?union.
> >>
> >> Veuillez nous faire parvenir vos suggestions avant le 1er mai 2018,
> apr?s avoir choisi le th?me ou le th?me de la r?union. Nous demanderons aux
> volontaires de se joindre ? l'?quipe de r?daction de l'?nonc? de la r?union.
> >>
> >> J'attends de vos nouvelles.
> >>
> >> Merci
> >>
> >> Sinc?res amiti?s,
> >> Mohamed Elbashir
> >> chaise
> >> AfRALO
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Afralo-Internal mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Afralo-Internal mailing list
> >
> >
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 10:53:39 +0000
> From: Mamadou LO <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Actu ICANN : NextGen pour ICANN62; ICANN61
>         en chiffres; Indicateurs de responsabilit?; Confidentialit? /
>         protection des donn?es...
> Message-ID:
>         <CWLP265MB03874E250E768A16DDE316C8BBB50@CWLP265MB0387.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> L?ICANN annonce les candidats retenus pour participer au Programme
> NextGen@ICANN62<
> 2BfGhCe7N1E04Q59KceRSTpCKLCBNcNmfrdRyoO6r0y8VJrkVkbr1igY1Lfj
> vjN6ZqnitfNIdJrygqoJr7EQ-2BMxUK4JXVRaJ34kLNSTdrCmzwdocC
> Ymasnqn2dO83yww0-2BAFjh-2B8bFH2SnoCqV-2FzE17-2FuSt4Da6sn5RjPo-3D_
> KWoOsAIXo35xYbm9kgJm1sx50kZrEUjWo7JLXpXzvmUAveRDdbmFPWKFDxjM
> sgDCL6k5ixj1samXu-2BY7S-2F3bbZMy-2F9UBKCpYGzrHjYcv4fWHLtyam8p2h
> OZTV1Kk7Kt0p-2FkNMcWwKrUfLUs8baYxK5wyhA4AvmXXEpfW6PyGt0kr2JYmBmeq-
> 2FVR8weO7-2FdBYXR3k6mX2no0qhl4JbWL2Cx92QTJK5CX-2Be-
> 2FNOc07dmdjtlnUNsNK5ueY3AlhXDcvh>
> Monday, April 16 2018 07:00 AM
> Los Angeles, le 6 avril 2018. La Soci?t? pour l'attribution des noms de
> domaines et des num?ros sur Internet (ICANN) a annonc? la liste de
> candidats retenus pour participer au prochain Programme NextGen ? l'
> ICANN62 , qui se tiendra ? la ville de Panama (Panama), du 25 au 28 juin
> 2018. Ces 15 ind...
> L'ICANN publie son rapport ? L'ICANN61 en chiffres ?<
> 2BfGhCe7N1E04Q59KceRSTpCKLCBNcNmfrdRyoO6r0y8VJrkVkbr1igY1Lfj
> KOAZ5boMiQkPR6xnUZV8WI5OFu-2BwHl7IDCO1AUIoygFlu-2F15-
> 2BLMOmU4NvPnUISkXX7kqke2iroMvXedo7P7KZp4o07BoE4KbtusqEr7Quc-3D_
> KWoOsAIXo35xYbm9kgJm1sx50kZrEUjWo7JLXpXzvmUAveRDdbmFPWKFDxjM
> sgDCL6k5ixj1samXu-2BY7S-2F3bbaEUpfjvQS9muaETlijXEuRvZp
> u3w1OtkEvgcupGmHJvALJsOPywXf2ja4DNzHXKXdX8zi8NQCimiNdM1RSj5s
> bSk0I4qe-2BGZdugzJ-2BD7-2BuJINmrV5vj-2BZD713XDyoahxPSS9PyvvoStTUyGA
> fs1QhOr0MZkIUHTIyll0Tf7pE6Y>
> Sunday, April 15 2018 07:00 AM
> Los Angeles, le 9 avril 2018. La Soci?t? pour l'attribution des noms de
> domaine et des num?ros sur Internet (ICANN) a publi? aujourd'hui le rapport
> ? L'ICANN61 en chiffres ?, qui inclut des statistiques techniques,
> d?mographiques et de participation. Le rapport r?sume les donn?es
> techniques associ?e...
> Commentaires sur les indicateurs de responsabilit? - Janvier ? mars 2018<
> 2BfGhCe7N1E04Q59KceRSTpCKLCBNcNmfrdRyoO6r0y8VJrkVkbr1igY1Lf2
> nPPfb8PKJ5oXvnz7XikP38w7fT0FtIpJZ6hidkpGtTWZ-2BM8-3D_
> KWoOsAIXo35xYbm9kgJm1sx50kZrEUjWo7JLXpXzvmUAveRDdbmFPWKFDxjM
> sgDCL6k5ixj1samXu-2BY7S-2F3bbRoPc22ckz8XyFxEph6hbPsujh
> cN2xX3OUX8TFS8XYS4d3-2BC-2FodClT-2F1I2uoekcgFedbwtW7MDgpzRuOz4kjl4YYyd6-
> 2B2sn61Yn8J6krzjtQEb8PUjLg-2FGPdryl2F7GAcsP1jzvHQ6wwS4Ke-2B0H-2BcYmk5FZNH-
> 2BQRatfaeFu07mh5>
> Wednesday, April 11 2018 07:00 AM
> Nous avons lanc? les indicateurs de responsabilit? il y a sept mois
> d?montrant ainsi l'engagement continu de l'organisation de l'ICANN pour le
> renforcement de la responsabilit? et de la transparence. Il s'agit d'une
> page Web dynamique et interactive qui vous aide ? suivre nos progr?s en
> termes d'obj...
> Mise ? jour sur les questions li?es ? la confidentialit?/protection des
> donn?es : mise ? jour de l'ICANN et questions fr?quemment pos?es<
> 2BfGhCe7N1E04Q59KceRSTpCKLCBNcNmfrdRyoO6r0y8VJrkVkbr1igY1Lf1
> 6CpJyMUJO0pMa7WubwYVn6CWnlKoRF8lZXD-2BUXnG56jcGLB8awpwcdoqzTNLBvcc
> GxmIA0ybO8uafpCRfOAFM3b5mihYmsfaBjY014Myoc-3D_
> KWoOsAIXo35xYbm9kgJm1sx50kZrEUjWo7JLXpXzvmUAveRDdbmFPWKFDxjM
> sgDCL6k5ixj1samXu-2BY7S-2F3bbRFKT-2F2qlsISViKkvc-
> 2BTdqkeHv6W4KtCWdIA5iQ6ehtdSMqA2amjEz0Fj8GLoOLIEloM9oETwN2NR
> T6xqh56aB54fJ3gucoNKs-2FeVdDeFSfPfCxtDycuUEXdmOtCzk5
> wLTwVORBlTaZ650PzuHOUaFYajpw4fU0nelydEnxYbpSr>
> Tuesday, April 10 2018 07:00 AM
> Depuis mon dernier article de blog , nous avons entendu de nombreuses
> personnes, au sein et en dehors de la communaut?, aborder la question du
> r?glement g?n?ral sur la protection des donn?es (RGPD) de l'Union
> Europ?enne et ses impacts sur le WHOIS. J'ai re?u beaucoup de questions de
> votre part et je...
> Travail sur la politique de soutien et d'avis ? la communaut? - Quelques
> indicateurs cl?s<
> 2BfGhCe7N1E04Q59KceRSTpCKLCBNcNmfrdRyoO6r0y8VJrkVkbr1igY1LfG
> 1zQJNwRkX0gf0uATyKGRCMZyj2f709hMDN5SCE0XPg8LzbW9oO60UJV55d2MaU-2BPq8A57-
> 2FfW5FOs3oILCVE3szwPEtgjJe-2FfZMTeiUrEQo-3D_KWoOsAIXo35xYbm9kgJm1sx50kZrEU
> jWo7JLXpXzvmUAveRDdbmFPWKFDxjMsgDCL6k5ixj1samXu-2BY7S-
> 2F3bbXMeSfisXH3Gte5Eq-2FrvMAfvmv8swyHsoM1Wmhffb6sbrCcmVsM3-
> 2BrB9SOGPQu7V8PTpy7R4Uminhk7TG3omPtWx9Wa3mPp1jVlzfTSX2aN-2BlBR-
> 2F4g23p2Pf9cjE8uw20etpj7fTbiF1GiZh-2FdGig1yeAOvn-2B4iky4VNk7zuRemn>
> Wednesday, April 04 2018 07:00 AM
> Plus t?t cette semaine, le d?partement responsable du soutien ?
> l'?laboration de politiques a publi? le rapport de politiques post-ICANN61
> . Le rapport refl?te les d?cisions et les r?sultats du travail des trois
> organisations de soutien (SO) et des quatre comit?s consultatifs (AC) au
> cours de la r?u...
> Source :<>
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> ------------------------------
> End of AfrICANN Digest, Vol 134, Issue 13
> *****************************************

*Abdulkarim A.Oloyede*.
*B. Eng (BUK), M.Sc, Ph.D. (York), R.Eng A+*
*Department of Telecommunications Science,*
*Faculty of Communication and Information Science ,*
*University of Ilorin.*
*Ilorin .*
*PMB 1515.*
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