New build of AfterGRASP is up for download:

Thu, 05 November 2009

STRHTMLTOFLASH now outputs BSTR (16bit per character) strings, it
converts codepage 1252 characters into unicode characters. For instance
’ is converted into the character 0x2019.

STRURLENCODE now handles BSTR (16bit per character) unicode strings, it
uses UTF-8 encoding.

STRURLDECODE now outputs a BSTR (16bit per character) string. It handles
UTF-8 data.

STRHEX now supports BSTR (16bit per character) strings, it outputs them
as upper byte, lower byte pairs.

A test of all this, takes a RTF rquote (right quote), converts to HTML which
gives ’. Converts the HTML to flash and then UTF-8 URL encodes it
to give %E2%80%99. Then it decodes the URL back to a BSTR and displays
that in hex which is 2019 (unicode character for right quote).

  a = strrtftohtml("{\rtf1\rquote}")
  s = strurlencode(strhtmltoflash(@a))
  messagebox @a$" "$...@s strhex(strurldecode(@s))



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