> If i give you a specific purpose - will you make a chatbot for me?

Although it would depend on what the "specific purpose" were, I am probably
too busy coding AGI Minds in Perl, in JavaScript and in Forth to jump into
a "side project" of coding a special-purpose chatbot.

http://ai.neocities.org/FirstWorkingAGI.html -- is the JavaScript AGI Mind
quasi-chatbot which may easily be altered and modified into a
special-purpose chatbot. The easiest modifications are to change the URL
links displayed on the AGI Mind webpage. Next it is easy to add special
vocabulary into the MindBoot sequence.

In other news, this AGI "EnParser" topic message has also been posted to
Usenet as


in the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup.

I make bold to publish details on the EnParser Mind-Module because it is
one of about a dozen modules which now have a more detailed breakdown in
the "Algorithm" section about exactly what and how the module does


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