[1993-07-23] Creation of MindRexx artificial intelligence in English.

    [1998-01-20] Creation of MindForth artificial intelligence in English.

    [2001-08-24] Creation of AgiMind artificial general intelligence.

    [2011-02-28] Creation of Dushka Russian AGI.

    [2012-11-17] Creation of Wotan AI in German.
        [2013-09-09] Publication of Artificial Intelligence in German.

    [2015-04-18] Creation of ghost.pl bilingual AGI Mind.

    [2019-04-17] Creation of Mens Latina AI in Latin.

    [2019-07-03] Mentifex proposes courses in Conversational AI development.
        Latin AI 101
        English AI 101
        Russian AI 101
    These course-proposals are meant to spark widespread AGI development
and to motivate educators and academics to perform a serious evaluation of
the state of the art in concept-based Conversational AI with Natural
Language Understanding (NLU).

    [20??] Sole-developer AgiMind matures to the point where other
developers are motivated to create their own versions.

    ======= You are here. =======

    [20??] Multiple developers branch off from the initial AgiMind with
"forks" and "ports" into other programming languages.
        Nations develop Conversational AI in their own national language.
        Corporations form AGI divisions and hire teams of programmers.
        Manufacturers install AGI Minds in their robots.

    [20??] Joint Stewardship of Earth by Robots and Human Beings.



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