Don't be scared of Google etc. They are bigger, there is more members who have 
tight communication and similar beliefs and have high quality experience and 
lots of money and respect and a happy mind with shelter etc. But everyone has a 
purpose - even if it means having no role. We can make greater change the 
deeper we try. And there is tricks - you can learn faster by looking at the 
right resources, mentorship, thinking more before doing, and the best one - 
refined teachings. Huh? Yeah, if modern AI is taught to more and more people in 
a clearer format that is built into the best advanced current understandings, 
you can get to where they are much faster without having to read through 
hundred of advanced Papers etc (or be taught hundreds of lessons that go 
no-where). Think of it as going through school but takes 1 year, not 12 years. 
Why does school take so long? 1) Learning a language in pre-school. 2) Learning 
facts. That's it. After grade 2 they can already talk/write/read and can begin 
to reach a singularity with a directed focus. But are left on their own most 
the time, with no serious motivation and focus. They are left to be monkeys 
under the supervision of Elder teachers and parents that focus their 
seriousness elsewhere.

What did you learn and do in school again? I forget.

If we don't have million dollar computers, we can still have one of the best 
things that they have - the thinking brains. We can plan more, test less. It's 
completely possible.
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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