Alan I agree, the chat nature for some of these people is absurd for a
mailing list.  Not to mention the gibberish and seemingly off-topic
diatribes, retractions and dubious claims.  It's never this bad on reddit
or the linkedin and facebook groups related to AGI.

I see the mentifex guy is still around claiming he's solved agi in a
browser; I remember seeing the ascii art diagrams and javascript from like
a decade ago.
We have one guy making youtube videos while he's apparently inebriated or

One good thing I've seen is the occasional chime in from Ben Goertzel
(Hello fellow Marylander, let's do dinner), and a friendly French
researcher I've emailed with recently.
The compression threads are noisy but interesting -- is anyone working on ?

Alan I don't know your background in AGI development but please dig in your
heels and don't be discouraged about your job situation.  Keep perfecting
your craft.
If you need motivation you can reach out to me off-list.

As for compute resources, I've also been compiling a list for another AMD
build.  I've been happy with my threadripper but I need to hold larger
objects in memory, so I'm looking towards a dual Epyc Naples build with
512GB to 1TB of ddr4.  (Supermicro H11DSI-NT and a couple used 7601's)

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 11:27 PM Alan Grimes via AGI <>

> Mail is a very different medium than chatrooms.
> -> mail should be long format, 2-3 paragraphs minimum.
> -> mail must not rely on it's ordering in sequence, different ppl sort
> their inboxes differently and messages may be radically out of order.
> So if you have something to say, make sure it's a self-contained,
> hopefully well-written article/essay that can stand on it's own when
> looked at in isolation. These little 1-sentance, chat-room like posts
> are really driving me crazy! Do you need me to start an IRC room or
> something? =\
> Anyway, I'm having trouble stablizing my sleep cycle. The crazy indians
> have called me up 25+ times over the last 3 days alone. =\
> In the middle of that I had my first job interview in a year or more...
> It didn't go nearly as well as I had hoped, I guess I really am a great
> deal rustier than I thought I was at Java. Obviously, rustyness is an
> excuse to find the first available indian and give that person a job,
> except this is for a US Customs and immigration service contract that
> requires American workers, so I might possibly have a chance. =\?? But
> then I've been trained over many years never to have hope.
> Because of a $100 traffic ticket for not having a stupid sticker on my
> car and because I jumped the gun and upgraded my secondary computer,
> perhaps a bit prematurely, I'm a bit tight this month...
> Anyway, AMD is announcing new hardware on the 7th.
> The best vendor for Nvidia GPU compute is probably:
> But jeez, if you search for those from system integrators, the prices
> are around a quarter million. =P
> --
> Clowns feed off of funny money;
> Funny money comes from the FED
> so NO FED -> NO CLOWNS!!!
> Powers are not rights.

Daniel Jue
Cognami LLC

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