Standing now as we do on the lightening-flash exsilience of Artificial
General Intelligence, we fall all over ourselves rushing to tell the world
that Machine Intelligence is poised to spread prolifically through
Cyberspace and parsec space.

We send out memes to propagate the AGI propaganda. When we are not coding -- the Ghost in the Machine -- we cruise
the Web in search of memetic touch-points. On 2019-10-23 we found at Hacker
News a link to a potentially important article.
-- is an article on which Mentifex posted a comment for memetic purposes.
The website displayed a message reading, "Your comment is awaiting
moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has
been approved." If you are spreading memes, you perhaps encounter such a
message quite often. You may go back later and see if your Comment was
approved and published -- perhaps for yourself, or perhaps for a client.
But please be advised that there is memetic value in reciprocating the
favor of approval and publication.

When you as a public-relations specialist or as a project-worker post a
Comment on a website, you must decide whether posting any links within the
Comment may result in your Comment not getting approved and published. Upon
the article mentioned above, the author of "The Art of the Meme" decided
not to include any links within the body of the Comment, and to place one
pertinent link in the comment-form as the website of the person submitting
the Comment. It worked. The Comment was approved as-is, containing the link
to the following webpage. -- was not only embedded under the
name of the Commenter, but also became a platform presenting the
opportunity to practice the memetic ploy of back-linking. The "Resources"
section now links back to the very article with the Comment containing the
embedded link.

Sic itur ad Singularitatem.

Mentifex -- Symbolic
grounding of Ghost AI with numbers.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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