Ok, since i'm wasting my life anyway playing video games, I might as
well do it in style so I got myself a t-rex for my winsuck machine.

But having paid a king's ransom for the damn thing I feel obliged to at
least try to program it.

So I download CUDA tools, then I installed VS'19... so far so good. the
tool that links VS with Cuda is a suite called Nsight. So I started to
install that but it wanted to monkey with some files that were being
used by Nvidia's game overlay which I can't turn off anyway. I filed a
support request on that a few days ago. I don't understand the packages
well enough to try to force it. There is nothing I can do with Geforce
Experience to turn the crap off either.

In the unlikely event I get through this bullshit and actually get basic
code running on the card, the big problem is establishing a workflow for
development. I have a vast amount of capacity on the card. A pretty
decent game would only use a tiny fraction of it's capacity. But what I
really need is a full simulated humanoid in as much resolution as can
possibly be provided. =|  People seem to be passively waiting for the
game studios to provide it. Well that can only work to a limited extent.
It'll only get you to the 20yd line and no further.

It sems like something that should be a good business opportunity, high
technical risk tho. =\


Clowns feed off of funny money;
Funny money comes from the FED
so NO FED -> NO CLOWNS!!! 

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