On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, 2:11 PM <rounce...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> However you do it, If theres no repetition theres no possible
> compression... its a losing game unless you find where the repetition is.
> Counting 1's and 0's gets you log over the bits, but you lose topological
> position,  and its only good for say, getting the area of a circle for
> computing pi.   then of course you get the humoungous number on a terrabit
> disk :)

Any sequence that is predictable can be compressed. If I gave you a
sequence like 314159265... You might recognize this as the digits of pi and
predict the next digit is 3, even though the digits of pi are uniformly
distributed and independent according to statistical tests. I actually
created a zpaq archive that compresses 1MB of pi to a few hundred bytes.

We can predict text because we have human intelligence and understand it.
That is why text compression is a test for AI and solving it solves AI.

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