:  EnThink ( http://ai.neocities.org/EnThink.html )
\ CR ." EnThink: " \ 2019-10-02: next five diagnostic lines show values of
\ ." becon= " becon @ .  ." yncon= " yncon @ . ." ynverb= " ynverb @ . ."
inft= " inft @ . CR
\ ." qusub= " qusub @ . ." qusnum= " qusnum @ .  ." subjnom= " subjnom @ .
\ ." prednom= " prednom @ . ." tkbn= " tkbn @ .  CR
\ ." quverb= " quverb @ . ." seqverb= " seqverb @ . ." seqtkb= " seqtkb @ .
." tkbv= " tkbv @ . CR
\ ." quobj= " quobj @ . ." dobseq= " dobseq @ .  ." kbzap= " kbzap @ . ."
tkbo= " tkbo @ . CR
  0 catverb !  \ 2019-02-20: reset for safety.
  isolation @ 60 > IF  \ 2018-11-16: if no input for arbitrary duration...
    Imperative  \ 2018-09-23: Issue a plea for input from a human user.
    0 impetus !  \ 2018-09-23: reset the trigger for calling Imperative.
    0 isolation !  \ 2018-10-07: reset the trigger for calling Imperative.
    EXIT  \ 2018-09-23: abandon EnThink; give human user a chance to
  THEN  \ 2018-09-23: end of test for trigger to call Imperative.
  qucon @ 1 = IF  \ 2018-12-18: upon a query
    SpreadAct  \ 2018-12-18: to activate concepts in response to a query.
  THEN  \ 2018-12-18: end of test for a query-condition.
  wasvcon @ 1 = IF SpreadAct THEN  \ 2019-02-22: set by InStantiate
  whatcon  @ 1 = IF  SpreadAct THEN  \ 2018-10-07: set by InStantiate
\ whatcon  @ 1 = IF  SpreadAct THEN  \ 2018-12-18: handled by new code above
  wherecon @ 1 = IF  SpreadAct THEN  \ 2018-11-15: set by InStantiate
\ wherecon @ 1 = IF  SpreadAct THEN  \ 2018-12-18: handled by new code above
  1 inhibcon !   \ 2016sep04: prevent reentrant concepts from directly
  1 pov !  \ 2016aug23: thinking occurs in self or "I" mode.
  kbcon @  0 >  IF  \ 2018-06-22: if user answers yes-or-no question;
    KbRetro         \ 2018-06-22: retroactively adjust knowledge base;
    0 kbcon !       \ 2018-06-22: reset for safetry.
    0 kbzap !       \ 2018-06-22: reset for safety.
  THEN  \ 2018-06-22: User has had one chance to answer yes-or-no question.
  t @ inft !  \ 2018-06-22: in case inference-time not otherwise set;
  becon @ 1 = IF  \ 2018-06-19: if flag set in OldCOncept;
    InFerence  \ 2018-06-19:  call the passively reflective module;
  THEN  \ 2018-06-19: end of test for input of a be-verb statement.
  yncon @ 1 = IF  \ 2018-06-21: set in the InFerence module
    AskUser  \ 2018-06-21: for yes-or-no query about inferred idea;
    EXIT     \ 2018-06-21: skip the remainder of EnThink.
  THEN  \ 2018-06-21: end of test to trigger asking a question.
\ actpsi @  0 >  IF  \ 2018-12-21: if set e.g. by a direct object in
\   SpreadAct  \ 2018-12-21: for a simple non-query spreading of activation
\   0 actpsi !  \ 2018-12-21: reset to zero for safety
\ THEN  \ 2018-12-21: end of test for a concept warranting spread of
  Indicative    \ 2018-06-19: think in the indicative mood.
\ ConJoin  \ 2018-07-09: Output one more idea with sufficient activation.
\ ConJoin  \ 2019-02-20: now setting new conditions for calling ConJoin...
  etc @ 1 > IF  \ 2019-02-20: if multiple active thoughts....
    ConJoin     \ 2019-02-20: insert a conjunction.
    Indicative  \ 2019-02-20: include an idea conjoined with AND.
  THEN  \ 2019-02-20: end of test for presence of several activated ideas.
  whatcon @ 1 =  conj @ 0 > AND IF  \ 2018-07-09: for a conjoined idea...
    0 conj !  \ 2018-07-10: TEST
    0 whatcon !  \ 2018-09-23: reset to prevent run-on thoughts.
    Indicative    \ 2018-07-09: think in the indicative mood.
    0 qv1psi !  \ 2018-07-10: against repetition of subject;
    0 qv2psi !  \ 2018-07-10: against repetition of verb;
    0 whatcon !  \ 2018-07-10: so EnNounPhrase may use verblock.
  THEN  \ 2018-07-09: end of whatcon-test in favor of subordinate clause.
  PsiDecay  \ 2016aug27: Reduce activation after each thought.
  0 conj !  \ 2018-07-09:  prevent carry-over.
  0 inhibcon !   \ 2016sep04: remove restriction of inhibcon.
  0 qv2psi !  \ 2018-07-10: reset to prevent verb-repetition.
  0 svo1 !  \ 2017-06-15: reset subject-verb-object values for safety.
  0 svo2 !  \ 2017-06-15: reset subject-verb-object values for safety.
  0 svo3 !  \ 2017-06-15: reset subject-verb-object values for safety.
  0 svo4 !  \ 2017-06-15: reset subject-verb-object values for safety.
  0 tdo !   \ 2016aug28: reset time-of-direct-object for safety.
  0 tio !    \ 2016aug28: reset time-of-indirect-object for safety.
  0 verblock !   \ 2016aug28: reset for safety.
  fyi @ 0 = IF 0 CR THEN   \ 2018-11-22: display one thought per line.
;  \ 2019-02-20: EnThink returns to FreeWill Volition module.

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