Mike Gunderloy disconnected. Before the internet he did Factsheet Five which connected alt undergrounders. It really was an amazing publication that could be considered a type of pre-internet search engine with zines as websites.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factsheet_Five Then as the internet expanded he wrote umpteen books on Microsoft software technologies and blogged incessantly. Here is his last blog apparently during Covid: https://afreshcup.com/home/2020/10/30/double-shot-2717.html ------------------------------------------ Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: https://agi.topicbox.com/groups/agi/T217f203a5b9455f2-M89ab7ed9b30568df607c3a4e Delivery options: https://agi.topicbox.com/groups/agi/subscription