Your form-to-content comment refers. I also stated that being able to lie and 
beguile humans may well constitute an effective Turing test. A point on 
content, th emost relevant point to my mind, you seemingly chose to ignore.

Sounds like any ole president to me. No wonder Hillary-Trump (nee Clinton) 
would do!

From: Steve Richfield <>
Sent: 29 April 2016 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] AGI for President

Steve's Form-Critic Ben Goertzel,

I am not (yet) a high-level AGI, but to test what the output of such a thing 
might look like, I created my platform for mere people to poke holes into. 
Nanograte has accurately indicated that we have now about run out of holes, but 
you have apparently objected to the form (vs. content) of my platform. Success 
depends just as much on form as it does on content, and you have self-selected 
as my Form-Critic.

So, what do YOU see as not AGI-worded, unnecessarily inflammatory, or otherwise 
NOT the likely output of an AGI? With your help I hope to create something 
resembling potential AGI output, for others to seek/accept/reject/improve as 
AGI development continues.

I have moved my platform to another location over which I have more control, at:

You can also test the donation mechanism by making a penny donation.

I look forward to dealing with your carefully considered objections in my next 
platform revision. Note that I have made suitable changes to deal with ALL past 
objections, so I AM taking this seriously and I WILL deal with your every 
objection in my next platform revision.



On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Ben Goertzel 
<<>> wrote:

I saw a thread titled "AGI for President" and looked at it, hoping it might be 
interesting... I do think AGI-based governance is probably the best and maybe 
the only viable solution for humanity as technologies continue to develop

But then when I looked at the thread I saw a bunch of silly stuff about tanks 
rolling down K street arresting lobbyists.   Oh well...

Radical reform of the US campaign finance system would be great and I strongly 
support it.   I don't think this has a lot to do with AGI, but it's a good 

-- Ben

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:31 PM, Steve Richfield 
<<>> wrote:

We have VERY different views of this. How can anyone hope to design something 
without SOME idea of what it should do? Until now, AGI has been a basically 
religious exercise to develop super-intelligence and expect SOMETHING wonderful 
to happen, without any idea what that wonderful thing might be.

You probably recall my past efforts to stir up interest in a reverse Turing 
test - another approach to looking for what might (or might not) happen. Since 
I was unable to pull together a team effort, I decided to see what I could do 
on my own - which resulted in my write-in campaign.

While you might not be inclined to participate in my efforts, I hope you can 
see their prospective value, most especially if they find unexpected hard 
limits, etc. You can always ignore this particular thread.


On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Ben Goertzel 
<<>> wrote:

Although humorous, I have to say this is kind of an excessive digression from 
the theme of AGI ;-p ...

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Steve Richfield 
<<>> wrote:

Does this work for you?

Seizure of Power to Implement Corrections

There is now an ongoing coup to misdirect those who carry firearms - the police 
and military - to take violent actions to the detriment of America and its 
population, which includes killing or incarcerating those who violate 
extraneous laws designed to benefit the super-rich. This is implemented through 
the continuing actions of lobbyists - who are the traitorous foot soldiers in 
this ongoing coup.

When elected, I will issue an Executive Order officially recognizing lobbying 
for laws whose violation or enforcement may involve criminal penalties as a 
traitorous activity. I will arrest  traitorous lobbyists and try them in court 
for funding these violent treasonous activities. This may involve sending the 
military into K street in Washington D.C. to clean out the nest of traitors who 
now maintain offices there. Lobbyists will take this seriously when they see a 
tank rolling down K street accompanied by teams hauling lobbyists away to 


On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Logan Streondj 
<<>> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 16-04-28 05:21 PM, Steve Richfield wrote:
> Given our dysfunctional political environment, just HOW might an
> AGI seize control?

Well a president,  or presiding officer, or "chair" technically is
simply a "speaker of the house", and does not or should not contribute
to the discussion or proceedings.

In effect the president's job is to uphold order during discussions of
proposals and amendments to those proposals. Then the secretary would
log these, in effect making them into statutory laws.

The US president is an unusual case, because since the time of Lincoln
he has had "super powers" or "emergency powers", since it's always
been an "emergency" ever since that civil war. So that gives him the
power to pass any bill/law which he deems fit, at a whim. Though often
there is usually a "show" put on in the house of commons and senate,
where this bill is discussed, if it doesn't pass and the president
Really Wants it, then they just sign it using their "emergency power".

This behaviour could also be emulated, with some intrinsic goals, or
perhaps party commitments overriding the parliament's decisions.

Though in an ideal parliament, these "super presidents" don't really
exist. So are much easier to replace.

For a place like the UN, or the EU, one of abilities required by a
president is knowing all the languages used.  The president (speaker
of the house) has to understand and reiterate what a member of the
assembly has said, and reconvey it to the assembly.

Thus by having this ability to understand members of the assembly,
reconveying their meaning (possibly translating for certain members),
all while maintaining speaking order in the parliament, would make a
President AI or "AGI".

- --
Logan Streondj,
A dream of Gaia's future.

Speakable Programming for Every Language:

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