Would it be easier for a computer to learn a less complicated animal
language like dog, whale, dolphin, etc. If a database was created from
animal languages, maybe then we could also translate animal language to
human language and back again. Hmm.

How did human language evolve anyway? Surely we just have a more
sophisticated set of phonemes we can utter along with the intelligence to
create a grammar after constant repetition as babies? This is why I am
thinking a phoneme-based NLP system would be more practical than a
text-based one. Add some visual feedback to learn body gestures along with
the sounds would probably help too.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 3:01 PM
Subject: [agi] Linguistic DB

> I've always considered the whole world/universe as one big database. A
> that narrows its focus to a partial set of knowledge contained in say, a
> computer database, will be excellent when performing within the realm of
> that database was created.
> Everyone needs to start wearing microphones and ear-pieces for the
computer to
> communicate to you with. What's the longest time it could take to develop
> human-computer communication protocol, 20 years? I need to attach one to
my 6
> month old daughter now, before it's too late!
> Heard about this DB yet?
> http://www.infoworld.com/articles/ap/xml/02/12/16/021216apfastalk.xml
> cheers,
>     Simon
> > On the other hand, if a system learns something through reading out of a
DB, it
> > doesn't
> > have this surround of related things to draw on, so it will be far less
able to
> > adapt and build
> > on that thing it's learned...
> >
> > My view is that a linguistic DB is not necessarily the kiss of death for
an AGI
> > system -- but I
> > don't think you can build an AGI system that has a DB as its *primary
source* of
> > linguistic
> > knowledge.  If an AGI system uses a linguistic DB as one among many
sources of
> > linguistic
> > information -- and the others are mostly experience-based -- then it may
> > work, and the
> > linguistic DB may potentially accelerate aspects of its learning..
> -------
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