On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 10:57:41PM -0800, Alan Grimes wrote:

> It would be a service-driven motovation system but I would expect a much
> more sophisticated implementation of agency beyond a windows shell or
> something. 

Quite possibly.  But my point is that the evolutionary root _and_ guiding
principle would be that of a (Unix, ahem) shell.  Intuitions along the lines
of "it's self-aware, it's alive, of course it's going to be self-centered and
free-willed, and if not that's slavery" are I think based in our own history
and don't carry over.

(And really, lots of self-awareness seems to lead to angst and self-doubt and
acute depression and other interests beyond reproduction or powergrabbing as
much as anything else...)

-xx- Damien X-) 

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