
> If we don't build it to serve us, than why in the hell should we build
> it at all?  Technology serves us every single day without having a self
> interest. An AGI could do the same exact thing, only better.. 

I think AGIs will one day be new forms of life and people might work on 
creating them out of a sense of fascination with or a sense of 
responsibility for giving life a chance to go well beyond the limits 
imposed by biology/biological evolution.

And even if we create AGIs to serve we might not do it to just serve 
human needs.  There are perhaps 20 million other species on the 
planet (and falling) and AGI might serve the combine needs of both all 
humans and all these other species.

> And if these ancestor programs are created to help humans, the odds
> that the ultimate superhuman programs will be helpful to humans would
> seem to me to be increased... 

Unless AGIs are genuinely tasked to serve *all* humans then they 
could well be roped into whatever compeitive/combative/self-
aggrandizing narrow selfish and nasty goals that some humans weave.  
And then they may learn nastiness from humans that they turn to their 
own compeitive/combative narrow selfish and nasty goals if these 
emerge.  And in the worst case scenario these less than admirable 
goals will emerge as a result of human tutelage.

So how can we arrange it so that most AGIs are tasked to serve *all* 
humans (and other species too)?

Cheers, Philip

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