Ben Goertzel wrote:
This is exactly why I keep trying to emphasize that we all should forsake
those endlessly fascinating, instinctively attractive political arguments
over our favorite moralities, and instead focus on the much
harder problem
of defining an AI architecture which can understand that its morality is
"wrong" in various ways; wrong definitions, wrong reinforcement
procedures, wrong source code, wrong Friendliness architecture, wrong
definition of "wrongness", and many others.  These are nontrivial
problems!  Each turns out to require nonobvious structural qualities in
the architecture of the goal system.
Hmmm.  It seems to me the ability to recognize one's own potential wrongness
comes along automatically with general intelligence...
Ben, I've been there, 1996-2000, and that turned out to be the WRONG ANSWER. There's an enormous amount of moral complexity that does *not* come along with asymptotically increasing intelligence. Thankfully, despite the tremendous emotional energy I put into believing that superintelligences are inevitably moral, and despite the amount of published reasoning I had staked on it, I managed to spot this mistake before I "pulled a Lawrence" on the human species. Please, please, please don't continue where I left off.

The problem here is the imprecision of words. *One* form of wrongness, such as factual error, or "wrong source code" which is "wrong" because it is inefficient or introduces factual errors, is readily conceivable by a general intelligence without extra moral complexity. You do, indeed, get recognition of *that particular* kind of "wrongness" for free. It does not follow that all the things we recognize as wrong, in moral domains especially, can be recognized by a general intelligence without extra moral complexity.

If it is the case that a general intelligence necessarily has the ability to conceive of a "wrongness" in a top-level goal definition and has a mechanism for correcting it, this is not obvious to me - not for any definition of "wrongness" at all. Prime Intellect, with its total inability to ask any moral question except "how desirable is X, under the Three Laws as presently defined", seems to me quite realistic.

Note also that the ability to identify *a* kind of wrongness, does not necessarily mean the ability to see - as a human would - the specific wrongness of your own programmer standing by and screaming "That's not what I meant! Stop! Stop!" If this realization is a necessary ability of all minds-in-general it is certainly not clear why.

Recognizing "wrong source code" requires a codic modality, of course, and
recognizing "wrong Friendliness architecture" requires an intellectual
knowledge of philosophy and software design.

What is there about recognizing one's wrongness in the ways you mention,
that doesn't come "for free" with general cognition and appropriate
So... you think a real-life Prime Intellect would have, for free, recognized that it should not lock Lawrence out? But why?

I guess there is an attitude needed to recognize one's own wrongness: a lack
of egoistic self-defensive certainty in one's own correctness....  A
skeptical attitude even about one's own most deeply-held beliefs.

In Novamente, this skeptical attitude has two aspects:

1) very high level schemata that must be taught not programmed
2) some basic parameter settings that will statistically tend to incline the
system toward skepticism of its own conclusions [but you can't turn the dial
too far in the skeptical direction either...]
That's for skepticism about facts. I agree you get that for free with general intelligence. If *all* questions of morality, means and ends and ultimate goals, were reducible to facts and deducible by logic or observation, then the issue would end right there. That was my position 1996-2000. Is this your current position?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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