Alan, I think it's difficult to overstate the importance of your post.  You
have outlined the nature of the translation problem and provided what I
think is the foundation of it's solution.

The post (excerpts below) dovetails neatly with ideas I have been working
on. After reading your post I put a jpeg of the mind model I have been
playing with the past week or so up on my site
it's the first link under the update notice at the top.  It's a work in
progress, more or less just showing some features of the model, and a
proposed mechanism by which people form preferences (the bug chasing link on
the extropians list got me thinking about fetishes...)

beneath that are scans of drawings I did after reading your post and
integrating it's theories with mine.  the model I've been playing with is
rapidly becoming a testable architecture for machine cognition and learning.
Im going to start writing a formal abstract for it today or tomorrow.
Someone else will have to implement it though, I'm not much of a

This below  is truly brilliant

> Remarkably (sufficiently to motovate this post!) is that this concept of
> concept spaces that we find in Go is exactly the same idea that leads us
> to declare a pattern of attoms to be a mouse or a diskette. _EXACTLY THE
> SAME!!_

so many different projects and ideas out there, Realai, cyc, etc.  I think
working AI may a lot closer than
most people think.....

J Standley

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