Cliff Stabbert wrote:

[On a side note, I'm curious whether and if so, how, lossy compression
might relate.  It would seem that in a number of cases a simpler
algorithm than expresses exactly the behaviour could be valuable in
that it expresses 95% of the behaviour of the environment being
studied -- and if such an algorithm can be derived at far lower cost
in a certain case, it would be worth it.  Are issues like this
addressed in the AIXI model or does it all deal with perfect
Yes, stuff like this comes up a lot in MDL work which can be viewed
as a computable approximation to Solomonoff induction.  Perhaps at
some point a more computable version of AIXItl might exist that is
similar in this sense.

Some results do exist on the relationship between Kolmogorov complexity
and lossy compression but I can't remember much about it off the top of
my head (I'm only just getting back into the whole area myself after a
number of years doing other things!)

What I'm getting at is an attempt at an external definition or at
least telltale of conscious behaviour as either "that which is not
compressible" or "that which although apparently compressible for some
period, suddenly changes later" or perhaps "that which is not
compressible to less than X% of the original data" where X is some
largeish number like 60-90.
This seems to be problematic to me.  For example, a random string
generated by coin flips is not compressible at all so would you
say that it's alive?  Back in the mid 90's when complexity theory
was cool for a while after chaos theory there was a lot of talk
about "the edge of chaos".  One way to look at this is to say that
alive systems seem to have some kind of a fundamental balance between
randomness and extreme compressibility.  To me this seems obvious and
I have a few ideas on the matter.  Many others investigated the subject
but as far as I know never got anywhere.

Chaitin, one of the founders of Kolmogorov complexity theory did
some similar work some time ago,

The reason I'm thinking in these terms is because I suspected Ockham's
razor to relate to the compressibility idea as you stated; and I've
Sounds to me like you need to read Li and Vitanyi's book on
Kolmogorov complexity theory :)


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