On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Brad Wyble wrote:

> The limitation in multi-agent systems is usually the degree of interaction they can 
> have.  The bandwidth between ants, for example, is fairly low even when they are in 
> direct contact, let alone 1 inch apart.
> This limitation keeps their behavior relatively simple, simple relative to what you 
> might expect for the large neural mass involved.
> Also, swarms only scale to a limited degree.  An anthill 1 mile high is not going to 
> possess much more "smarts" than a 3 inch anthill.

There is some interesting research about scaling in mammal
brains, saying that network diameter remains constant as
number of cortex neurons increases and implying that larger
brains need neurons with larger numbers of connections to
other neurons. Its:

Clark, D. Constant parameters in the anatomy and wiring of the mammalian
brain. Available at http://pupgg.princeton.edu/www/jh/clark_spring00.pdf.


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