A tiny rant about bogus AI.

I was depressed to find this site:


and another by the same snakeoil salesman (Sol Endelman)


See that pencil drawing of the wearable computer?  Lifted straight from 
the MIT Mithril project website.  I'm going to fire off a letter to 
Mithril and point it out, but the point is this whole webpage, if you 
bother to read it, is practically gibberish.  

And then you go back to hardwear.org to see the citing outrageous prices 
for stuff like trousers and socks, let alone the $60,000 "actuator array".

On going back to intelagent.org, it seems clear that this guy's purpose is 
to create authentic looking companies and swindle the bejesus out of 
gullible VC's.   He throws around alot of buzzwords and technical sounding 
garbage, which might sound good to a naive investor.

This guy is worse than the spammers.  People like this cripple the ability 
of legitimate AI companies to get funding by scaring off investors.  


I only hope Sol is on this list and can read this, but I doubt it.


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