Hi all,

Here's another essay from the "Ben Goertzel spare-time essay-writing
factory" that seems to be very active these last few months.  This one is
related to AGI but more in the futurological vein than the currently
practical vein.

It's called

"Encouraging a Positive Transcension: AI Buddha versus AI Big Brother,
Voluntary Joyous Growth, the Tao of Speciecide, and Other Issues in
Transhumanist Ethical Philosophy"

You can find it at


It was about 27 pages in Word -- not nearly enough to say everything I have
to say about the topic, so it's a bit too terse in parts; but alas, other
duties call...

It's a first draft, and there may be some bits and pieces of thinking in
there that appealed to me at the time of writing but won't appeal to me next
week.  But the broad outlines of the ideas presented there have been in my
head for a long time, and some of them have popped up here and there in
discussions on this list.

-- Ben G

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