On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Brad Wyble wrote:

> [...]
> This is usually the case in new technological domains.
> The first innovators get wiped out by the next generation
> that learns from their success.
> Nothing wrong with this (apart from being unfair), just
> capitalism at work.  Someone will steal your ideas and
> implement them in a better way than you have.
> -Brad
Just as long ago Abbie Hoffman published "Steal This Book!" (see
http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=50051 for details), I
have had a Steal-This-Idea!-attitude towards my Mentifex AGI project.

A kind of chicken-or-egg situation resulted, where my
http://mind.sourceforge.net/theory5.html Theory of Mind ideas
might have seemed valuable if they were kept secret, but
also nobody would be interested if I did not try to publish.

When I wrote rather primitive AI software for what I thought
was a pretty good theory, people judged me more by the implementation
in software than by the difficult-to-understand theory. I also
began to take a lot of heat for trying to spread my ideas.

As Mahatma Gandhi said (more or less), "first they laugh at you, then
they attack you, then they accept your ideas as self-evident." In my
Mentifex case, at least two extremely hostile individuals published
such twisted and downright false "Mentifex FAQs" that I responded with
http://www.generation5.org/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=370 my own FAQ.

Now, Ben Goertzel and Al, please be acclued of the following
somwwhat major announcement from the horse's mouth of Mentifex:

http://pub.ufasta.edu.ar/ohcop/curso2003/27-Actividad12.ppt is
a tip-of-the-iceberg Spanish-language Powerpoint presentation of
"Los 34 Modulos de AI4U" -- which for lack of Powerpoint I have
not yet seen myself, although Googling on "ai4u" gave me the text.

The tip of the iceberg is that "Mentifex" is succeeding far better
in the Spanish-language world than among us English speakers.
About five years ago, someone translated and Web-published
various long tracts from the body of Mentifex AI theory files.
These Spanish-language theory documents took on a life of their
own and propagated here and there on the World Wide Web.
Nobody arose to attack and condemn Mentifex in the Spanish language.
A memetic success is apparently underway that trumps even the official
http://osgaming.net/Downloads/Documentation/OSReferenceBook.pdf coup.

So for the AGI Research Consortium, please include independent scholars.

Hasta la Singularidad,


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