> > Social insects are a good model, actually. Yes, all I want is a
> framework
> > flexible and efficient enough to produce social insect level on
> intelligence
> > on hardware of the next decades.
> >
> > If you can come that far, the rest is relatively trivial,
> especially if you
> > have continous accretion of data from wet and computational
> neuroscience.
> I'm going to have to stop on this note.  You and I live in different
> worlds.
> -Brad

Hmmm... IMO, there is a damn big leap between bugs and humans!!!

I'm not sure why you think that the step from one to the next is trivial?

Clearly from here to a simulated bug is a big leap, but the leap from a sim
bug to a sim human is ALSO really big, no?

ben g

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