On 6/2/06, Ben Goertzel wrote:

You note that Numenta's approach seems oriented toward implementing an
animal-level mind...

I agree, and I do think this is a fascinating project, and an approach
that can ultimately succeed...  but I think that for it to succeed
Hawkins will have to introduce a LOT of deep concepts that he is
currently ignoring in his approach.  Most critically he ignores the
complex, chaotic dynamics of brain systems...

I suppose part of the motivation for starting with animal mind is that
the human mind is just a minor adjustment to the animal mind, which is
sorta true genetically and evolutionarily

But on the other hand, just because animal brains evolved into human
brains, doesn't mean that every system with animal-brain functionality
has similar evolve-into-human-brain potentiality....


Just from a computer systems design perspective, I think this project
is admirable.

I think it is safe to claim that all the big computer design disasters
occurred because they tried to do too much all at once. ''We want it
all, and we want it now!'.

Ben may be correct in claiming that major elements are being omitted,
but if they even get an animal level intelligence running, this will
be a remarkable achievement. They will be world leaders and will learn
a lot about designing such systems.

Even if it cannot progress to higher levels of intelligence, the
experience gained will set their technicians well on the road to the
next generation design.


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