----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles D Hixson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Four axioms (Was Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases)

> I think that Axiom 2 needs a bit of work. 
> as I read it, it appeared to be a recommendation to "wish early and often".
It can certainly be taken that way.  I don't see anything at all wrong with "wish early and often".  Remember, however, that Axiom 2 is explicitly NOT meant to recognize multiple copies of the same wish.  Wish early and often but don't try to game the system by repeating the same wish with different wording or other minor differences -- and, as I said before, Axiom 2 should certainly not be read as a support for a simple majority rule either.
> N.B.:  I disagree with the axioms as stated (even given the interpretation), because I *don't* think that the wishes of each individual are all of equal value.  The wish of a guy with a broken leg to have medical attention appears to me as more important than the wish of some four-year old for a bag of candy, e.g.)
Excellent!  A lead in to my next major chunk of concepts . . . .  Here's the teaser -- If your goal is maximizing volition fulfillment then there is clearly a substantial difference in the importance of *fulfilling a volition* and *maintaining the integrity of a source of volition*.  The guy with a broken leg is a source of volition.  If he dies, there are that many volitions that are never created to be fulfilled.  While I still am not supporting simple majority rule, it should be quite clear that all those possibly annihilated volitions easily outweigh any single, ten, hundred, or more volitions that do not affect the integrity of a source of volition.
> OTOH, if this is seen as an engineering simplification of something that might be too complex to properly accomplish otherwise, it may be justifiable.
While I might make engineering simplifications as necessary, I will attempt to clearly identify them as such.  Personally, however, treating as equal the cases of a guy with a broken leg and a four-year-old wanting candy would definitely be the signs of a really bad design.
> But I do wonder about corner cases and how you define "individual" and "separate" especially in combination with "volition" and "wish".  Do wishes count if they aren't expressed?  What if they are expressed, but censored? 
For morality purposes, wishes certainly do count even if not expressed.  For the purposes of an AI, the AI should ask if possible and assume common and reasonable wishes if it's not possible to ask and if it has no evidence to the contrary.
If they are expressed but willingly censored by the individual then the censorship is considered their volition.  If they are expressed and censored by someone else then they should be simply consired as expressed.
> There's no two/three-year old who hasn't occasionally wished his parents were "dead".  (I'm not clear what's meant by that, but it's not nice.  It's probably also not equivalent to what the word normally means.)
There are multiple reasons why this isn't a problem.  First, see the argument about volitions vs. sources of volition -- the parents are in no danger at all.  Second, still not supporting simple majority rule, even if this was a not threat to a source of volition, it is clearly contrary to an overwhelming number of other volitions.  Third, and here comes another set of teasers, since no one is obligated to take an affirmative action to fulfill another individual's volition, the two/three-year-old would have to find someone willing to make his parents dead.  And, in the case of an AI or any other friendly entity, that entity should always be fulfilling society's goals by not only looking for informed consent by saying "Here are the consequences . . . . Are you REALLY sure that you want to do this?" but also by generally declining to take an action that it knows to be a bad idea (from the point of view of society/maximizing volition).  Even in the case of a two/three-year-old wanting candy, the AI should most often conclude that candy is a bad idea and decline to give it to the child.
> Here we have the problem.  Exactly *WHAT* does axiom 2 mean?
Axiom 2 means that wishes from different individuals carry exactly the same weight unless part of the wish is that it doesn't (i.e. you can prioritize someone else's wish above your own).  It also (apparently poorly) attempts to rule out the consideration of multiple identical wishes from the same individual or from a group of identical people.
> (I also don't even accept that all wishes from the same individual are of equal significance or importance.)
Nor do I.  I assume that individuals can certainly prioritize their own wishes.  (I definitely have the fix the phrasing on Axiom 2)
And you don't express how the AI is to know that the wish exists
No, I don't.  For the time being, I'm going to assume that the AI is either going to ask or be told (or, in extreme circumstances where is isn't possible, assume normal and common wishes unless it has evidence to the contrary).

>>  Axiom 3 is simply an attempt to clear away all the clutter . . .
> Be careful here.  The purpose is sound, but it implies that you have gotten everything right the first time.  I don't immediately see what's wrong (other that as I've said), but this explicitly says that there will be no way to patch the system. 
It's an interesting question as to whether expanding it to something like "There is no other inherent good other than what I tell you in the future when in sound mind and body and not coerced by others" is as bad an idea as I think it is.  Honestly, if I vet this through enough people, I believe that the odds of it being wrong are virtually non-existant and certainly less than the odds of something horrible happening if I put such a clause in.  If you were an super-intelligent AI, wouldn't you have a problem with a clause like this?
> Except, of course, be a 50% + 1 tally of wishes....actually, not even that's needed if there are a bunch of entities who don't have a known wish against the system being patched in a certain way.
Nope.  Neither of those are even close to a valid criteria for getting even an opposed volition actualized (much less a change to the entire goal/morality system).  As I've said, simple majority rule doesn't cut it in this system.  And I would never suggest a system where it is possible for such a patch to be effected without everyone being asked effectively and given a reasonable chance to respond.
>>     Axiom 4 (Colloquial/Selfish Version). 
>>     or, more formally . . . .
> That does need to be expressed as an axiom.  It does seem to be implied
> by logic from the first three...but only if instead of calling these
> assertions axioms you call them goals.  I also would not state it in a
> form that implied that it's existence as a goal depended on it's ability
> to be derived as a result of the other goals.
I'm not sure what you're saying.  Could you provide a specific rephrasing?

> Should it be impossible to modify the major goals?  If not, then it
> should certainly be quite difficult, but if you can't then major
> problems that are discovered later can't be fixed.
If by major goals, you mean the first three axioms, then I would argue extremely strenuously that the first two can't be changed and reasonably strenuously that the third can't be changed.
> I'd say "Have a good trip!", but  seventh graders?  Come back sane.
:-)    Actually, I'm pretty resilient to the attempted tyranies of that age group (mostly finding them humorous).  It was actually fun (or is that proof of my insanity? :-).

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