I used to be of the opinion that doing robotics in simulation was a waste of
time.  The simulations were too perfect.  To simplistic compared to the
nitty gritty of real world environments.  Algorithms developed and optimised
for simulated environments would not translate well (or at all) into real
robotics applications operating in non trivial environments.  Ten years ago
that was true, but now I think it's possible to build simulations with
graphics and physics which are substantially more realistic, to the point
where it might be possible to take algorithms developed within simulation,
dump them onto a real robot and expect to see similar performance.  You'd
need to be careful to simulate sensor uncertainties, but it should be

Indeed ... I am interested in seeing AGISim go in this direction,
though there is still more basic work to be done on AGISim first...

Ironically, good quality simulations for robotics development will
themselves assist in the cognitive process, becoming the robots inner
theatre of the mind within which it may experiment with possible scenarios
before committing to a course of action.

Yeah, this is something we have discussed in an AGISim/Novamente
context, though we have not done it yet.  Basically, giving a
Novamente system an "internal AGISim" theatre in which to experiment
with various actions and scenarios, using simulated physics to
shortcut the need for extensive cognition when appropriate...

-- Ben

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