----- Original Message ----
From: James Ratcliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:23:58 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Motivational Systems that are stable

>I disagree that humans really have a "stable motivational system" or would have to have a much more strict interpretation of >that phrase. 
>  Overall humans as a society have in general a stable system (discounting war and etc)
>  But as individuals, too many humans are unstable in many small if not totally self-destructivee ways.

I think we are misunderstanding.  By "motivational system" I mean the part of the brain (or AGI) that provides the reinforcement signal (reward or penalty).  By "stable", I mean that you have no control over the logic of this system.  You cannot train it like you can train the other parts of your brain.  You cannot learn to turn off pain or hunger or fear or fatigue or the need for sleep, etc.  You cannot alter your emotional state.  You cannot make yourself feel happy on demand.  You cannot make yourself like what you don't like and vice versa.  The pathways from your senses to the pain/pleasure centers of your brain are hardwired, determined by genetics and not alterable through learning.

For an AGI it is very important that a motivational system be stable.  The AGI should not be able to reprogram it.  If it could, it could simply program itself for maximum pleasure and enter a degenerate state where it ceases to learn through reinforcement.  It would be like the mouse that presses a lever to stimulate the pleasure center of its brain until it dies.

It is also very important that a motivational system be correct.  If the goal is that an AGI be friendly or obedient (whatever that means), then there needs to be a fixed function of some inputs that reliably detects friendliness or obedience.  Maybe this is as simple as a human user pressing a button to signal pain or pleasure to the AGI.  Maybe it is something more complex, like a visual system that recognizes facial expressions to tell if the user is happy or mad.  If the AGI is autonomous, it is likely to be extremely complex.  Whatever it is, it has to be correct.

To answer your other question, I am working on natural language processing, although my approach is somewhat unusual.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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