I'm not sure I follow every twist in this thread.  No... I'm sure I don't
follow every twist in this thread.

I have a question about this compression concept.  Compute the number of
pixels required to graph the Mandelbrot set at whatever detail you feel to
be a sufficient for the sake of example.  Now describe how this 'pattern' is
compressed.  Of course the ideal compression is something like 6 bytes.
Show me a 6 byte jpg of a mandelbrot  :)

Is there a concept of compression of an infinite series?  Or was the term
"bounding" being used to describe the attractor around which the values
tends to fall?  chaotic attractor, statistical median, etc.  they seem to be
describing the same tendency of human pattern recognition of different types
of data.

Is a 'symbol' an idea, or a handle on an idea?  Does this support the
mechanics of how concepts can be built from agreed-upon ideas to make a new
token we can exchange in communication that represents the sum of the
constituent ideas?   If this symbol-building process is used to communicate
ideas across a highly volatile link (from me to you) then how would these
symbols be used by a single computation machine?  (Is that a hard takeoff
situation, where the near zero latency turns into an exponential increase in
symbol complexity per unit time?)

If you could provide some feedback as a reality check on these thoughts, I'd
appreciate the clarification... thanks.

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