Yes, it was insulting.  I am sorry.  However, I don't think this
conversation is going anywhere.  There are many, many examples just of
the use of SVD and PCI that I think meet your criteria.  The one I
mentioned earlier, to you, that uses SVD on word-pair similarities,
and scores at human-level on the SAT, is an example.  There are
thousands of examples.

Hmmm. We're definitely in very different realms and are currently talking past each other. I guess that I'm having trouble seeing how you would think that SVD is at all human-incomprehensible. Training SVD on a given corpus produces a set of word pairs and their similarity distances through a very simple algorithm. SVD taking the SAT simply involves four or five database lookups (assuming that there are four or five answers) for each question and taking the answer with the smallest distance. What is incomprehensible about that? Why *can't* I debug a wrong answer (assuming that I have access to the training corpus)?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Philip Goetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] A question on the symbol-system hypothesis

On 11/29/06, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you look into the literature of the past 20 years, you will easily
> find several thousand examples.

    I'm sorry but either you didn't understand my point or you don't know
what you are talking about (and the constant terseness of your replies gives me absolutely no traction on assisting you). If you would provide just one example and state why you believe it refutes my point, then you'll give me something to answer -- as it is, you're making a meaningless assertion of no value that I can't even begin to respond to (not to mention the point that contending/assuming that I've overlooked several thousand examples is pretty

Yes, it was insulting.  I am sorry.  However, I don't think this
conversation is going anywhere.  There are many, many examples just of
the use of SVD and PCI that I think meet your criteria.  The one I
mentioned earlier, to you, that uses SVD on word-pair similarities,
and scores at human-level on the SAT, is an example.  There are
thousands of examples.

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