Ben Said:
> Being able to understand natural language commands pertaining 
> to cleaning up the house is a whole other kettle of fish, of 
> course. This, as opposed to the actual house-cleaning, appears 
> to be an "AGI-hard" problem...

A full Turing complete Natural Language system would not be necessary 
for robotic control.  

A pattern such as "{clean|sweep|vacuum} (the )[RoomName]room( {for|in}
[Number] minutes)"

When coupled with a voice recogniton system such as Nuance is marketing
increase the usefulness and interactivity of the robot immensely.

[RoomName] and [Number] become variables passed to the robot vacuum and can
have defaults
If omitted from the command.

The robot could come with a set of canned patterns for starters and the
patterns could
by customized by the user and associated with new behaviours.

I like the idea of the house being the central AI though and communicating
house robots through an wireless encrypted protocol to prevent inadvertant 
commands from other systems and hacking.

If the robots were made to a standard such as Microsoft's robotics toolkit 
then a single control and monitoring system could coordinate multiple robots
activities and prevent collisions, coordinate efforts, etc...  You'd
probably need 
a backup fault tolerent system to prevent loss of critical systems like
fire reporting, and temperature control.  

The house AI would be interfaced with the telephone and internet so that you
enter remote commands if you think of something while you're away.

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Goertzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] SOTA

Needless to say, I don't consider cleaning up the house a particularly
interesting goal for AGI projects.  I can well imagine it being done by a
narrow AI system with no capability to do anything besides manipulate simple
objects, navigate, etc.

Being able to understand natural language commands pertaining to cleaning up
the house is a whole other kettle of fish, of course.
This, as opposed to the actual house-cleaning, appears to be an "AGI-hard"

-- BenG

On 1/6/07, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Stanford scientists plan to make a robot capable of performing 
> everyday tasks, such as unloading the dishwasher."
> On 1/6/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > The problem wasn't technological.  It was that nobody had any use 
> > > for a robot.  We never figured out what people would want the robot
> > > I think that's still the problem.
> > >
> >
> > Phil, I think the real issue is that no one wants an expensive, 
> > stupid, awkward robot...
> >
> > A broadly functional household robot would be very useful, even if 
> > it lacked intelligence beyond the human-moron level...
> >
> > For instance, right now, I would like a robot to go into my 
> > daughter's room and clean up the rabbit turds that are in the rabbit 
> > playpen in there.  I would rather not do it.  But, a Roomba can't 
> > handle this task because it can't climb over the walls of the 
> > playpen, nor understand my instructions, nor pick up the turds but 
> > leave the legos on the floor alone...
> >
> > Heck, a robot to let the dogs in and out of the house would be nice 
> > too... being "doggie doorman" gets tiring.  Of course, this could be 
> > solved more easily by installing a doggie door ;-)
> >
> > How about a robot to bring me the cordless phone when it rings, but 
> > has been left somewhere else in the house ... ?  ;-)
> >
> > How about one to put the dishes in the dishwasher and unload them ...
> > and re-insert the ones that didn't get totally cleaned?  The 
> > dishwasher is a good invention but it only does half the job....
> >
> > The problem **is** technological: it's that current robots really 
> > suck ... not that non-sucky robots would be useles...
> >
> > -- Ben
> >
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