> Pei Wang's uncertain logic is **not** probabilistic, though it uses
> frequency calculations
IMO Pei's logic has some strong points, especially that it unifies fuzzy and probabilistic truth values into one pair of values. I think in Pei's logic the frequency f is indeed a probability. In your logic, do you treat fuzziness and probabilities separately?

Like NARS, PLN encompasses both fuzziness and uncertainty, using different but interoperating inference rules

It seems that a term cannot be uncertain. For example, "women have long hair" may be associated with a probability, but "women" as a term does not seem to be probabilistic. I wonder why you say terms can have truth values?

In a given sample space S, we may say e.g.

P(woman) = .51
P(man) = .49

This sort of expression occurs all the time in probability theory textbooks.

However, you can rewrite these as

P(woman|S) = .51
P(man|S) = .49

But, NARS does not handle things this way. So, for instance, if you know the truth value

cat ---> animal

and want to estimate the truth value of

animal --> cat

then PLN in Novamente uses Bayes rule which relies on

P(animal | cat)

to estimate

P(cat | animal)

but NARS, used in the simplest and most direct way, just uses [what might be written]

inheritance(animal | cat)

to estimate

inheritance(cat | animal)

However, through longer chains of inference, NARS may potentially draw information about the frequency of cats and animals in various contexts into its estimate of the truth value of the latter relationship. This is an issue Pei and I have discussed frequently without reaching any

My question is: If I provide a set of facts/rules associated with Pei-style uncertain values (2 numbers), would Novamente find it useful? Is it easy to convert that into NM's PLN?

Yes. NM and PLN support multiple truth value representations, including the NARS-like representation, single-number probabilities, Walley's imprecise probabilities, and also a novel format called indefinite probabilities. Facilities for interconversion are provided.

-- Ben

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