On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:46:06 -0500, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If we knew for sure that the human mind was using something like a formalized system (and not the messy nonlinear stuff I described), then we could quite comfortably say "Hey, let's do the same, but simpler and maybe even better." My problem is, of course, that the human mind may well not be doing it that way...

I'm somewhat sympathetic to that point of view, Richard, in case it's any consolation to you. :)

Your words remind me of the criticism that the subjectivist theorist F.P. Ramsey had of the logical theories of J.M. Keynes, which I mentioned here yesterday or the day before and which I find very persuasive.

Keynes argued for the existence of something he called probability relations. These relationships were supposed to be perceivable by the human mind in the same manner in which it sees logical relationships. For Keynes, probability theory was in fact a sort of extension of deductive logic in which probable conclusions were partially entailed by their premises. The degree of partial entailment was supposed to be equal to the probability.

So for example on Keynes' view the statement "Ten black ravens exist" partially entails the statement "All ravens are black" and the degree of entailment = P("All ravens are black").

On this view all rational minds should assign exactly the same value to:

P(All ravens are black|Ten black ravens exist)

Keynes was influenced heavily by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead who had together attempted to do something similar with their *Principia Mathematica*. It's doubtful that Russell and Whitehead succeeded, and I think the same can be said of Keynes.

Ramsey's most pointed criticism was that these Keynesian probability relationships, if they exist, certainly are not perceived by the mind as Keynes claimed. And who here can argue with Ramsey's criticism? If these probability relationships were perceivable in the same way as ordinary logical relations then there would be hardly any question about the correct way to do probabilistic reasoning in AGI -- we'd all immediately recognize the correct algorithms and agree.


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